Day 2 of 7: Greater Works of Holy Spirit
“For example: The Spirit gives to one the gift of the word of wisdom. To another, the same Spirit gives the gift of the word of revelation knowledge. And to another, the same Spirit gives the gift of faith. And to another, the same Spirit gives gifts of healing. And to another the power to work miracles. And to another the gift of prophecy. And to another the gift to discern what the Spirit is speaking. And to another the gift of speaking different kinds of tongues. And to another the gift of interpretation of tongues.” -1 Corinthians 12:8-10 (TPT)
“I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!” -John 14:12 (TPT)
Jesus cast demons out of people. He healed those who couldn’t walk and those who had been blind since birth found their sight with him. Wounds were closed with his touch. Children were brought back to life by his power. In these moving accounts of the Son of God bringing life with every touch, not one of his recorded miracles includes him connecting a person back with their own identity. Nothing is recorded of the Christ delivering people from their own internalized hatred. Demons, natural weather phenomena, injuries, ailments, none of these things could stand against Jesus in all that he was.
I had my own incredible deliverance experience. Over five years ago, I experienced the trading of my bodily trauma for the joy and peace of Holy Spirit. This fire, this warmth, this love, His presence, this peace has never gone away. I met Holy Spirit face to face that day as my body was delivered from mighty trauma strongholds. From there I watched some of the most profound movings of the Holy Spirit I had ever seen: visions, words from others that no one could’ve known, prophecy that unfolded, healings, inarguable movements of God; yet NONE of these taught me to love myself as a queer man. No amount of facing demons head-on prepared me for the rigorous and holy work that is coming out and finding pride in who I am… Continue Reading in the App