Day 1 of 7: Call to Love
Read Matthew 5:38-48 (NIV)
Jesus says, “Love everyone”, right? I mean it sounds good. It sounds plausible. But if eating right was all it took to look good, we’d all be walking around like we belong on the cover of magazines. To love everyone is difficult. It’s not for the faint of heart.
Loving people can be defined as proactive and reactive actions. Proactive is giving to the poor, telling someone a compliment, giving a hug, maybe even a gift, or just a simple smile. Proactive love can be big or small, but either way, it comes down to a simple action of manifesting love for someone.
Reactive love is a little different. Sometimes, people act ugly. They say things or do things that hurt us. We get angry, our hearts bleed with the reaction. To respond to those moments in love is truly divine.
I’m not the master of this. For the most part, I can keep my mouth shut during the interaction but not always. To love everyone proactively sometimes feels a lot easier than reactively.
For me, the battle is harder after the moment of offense has happened. The person is gone. The moment has happened. The thoughts begin to creep in: Did they really say this? Did they really do that? What did they mean by that? Did they say it to hurt me? Or were they just being ignorant?
Then the question comes, inevitably rising inside my soul from the Spirit–-what’s real in this situation?
The intentions behind a hurtful comment are irrelevant. The truth is, whether someone set out to intentionally hurt me to be mean or were just ignorant, Jesus’ call in the matter stands as is – I am to love no matter what.
When the hurtful comments come, I am to love.
When my heart is sad, I am to love.
When I am angry, I am to love.
When I am offended, I am to love.
I am not to reason, although I do. I am not to fight, Although I have. I am not to resist, although I can. I have not acted so boldly and holy that I am without blame. I am evil and ignorant also. I know my words have hurt other people, so why is it so difficult for me to forgive and love when someone hurts me?
What’s real in this matter? Simply, I need to love.
Make a list of the people who have hurt you recently.
Pray for each person. Be specific in your prayer.