Jessica Kantrowitz


Prayers for the Pandemic

Jessica Kantrowitz

Day 1 of 7: Prayers for Loneliness

From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
Matthew 27:45-46 (NRSV)

What if Jesus was not calling out to God
because he was afraid of death
but because he was lonely

Because in heaven he snuggled with his Father
the way the four year old snuggles with me
curled in my lap, touching every surface of himself
to every surface of my

What if Jesus really needed a hug?
As we do. As we sit in our homes, or walk
outside, six feet apart, having never fully learned
to touch with our words when flesh was free

Dear Jesus, our sibling, we are lonely.
We call out to our God and our friends
knowing friends can call on the phone
and God can speak to our spirit

But needing to touch
the hem of your garment
the holes in your hands
skin on skin

We are not beasts, but we are not angels, either
not pure spirit. We cannot live
by every word that comes from your mouth
unless we can feel that mouth’s warmth

Give us your self, brother Christ
give us your body as bread, your blood as wine
let us curl up on your lap, feel your lips on our head
your arms around us

While we wait for it to be safe
to put our arms around each other

Jessica Kantrowitz

Jessica Kantrowitz

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