Multiple Authors


For a Harsh Holiday

Multiple Authors

Day 1 of 7: Prayer for the Angry, Sad and Afraid

Prayer for the Angry, Sad, and Afraid from Pandemic Prayers by Naiomi Gonzalez

Dear Loving God,

The days bleed into one another in a monotony of repetition broken only by moments of fear, depression, and anger. Fear that our loved ones will get sick. Fear that our loved ones will be left to die alone. Fear that this period of uncertainty will last for months. Fear that we will be unable to pay our bills.

We struggle with overwhelming sadness. Sadness for those who died and who would still be with us, if not for this damn pandemic. Sadness for shattered dreams and for opportunities that have evaporated. Sadness and longing for physical touch: the high fives after a job well done, the long, lingering hugs from a loved one, the excited embrace after a brief separation.

Anger threatens to overwhelm us. Anger at government officials who devalue the lives of the elderly, disabled, and poor. Anger that our healthcare workers are struggling to scrounge up the supplies necessary to protect themselves and save lives. Anger that there are those who continue to place profits and the desire for a good time over the lives of the most vulnerable.

God, we are struggling. We are in pain. We need reminders of your presence and love, now, more than ever. We are desperate for reassurances that you not only hear our prayers and our laments, but that you suffer along with us. We need your consoling presence as we grieve the lives lost, the interpretation of our daily lives, and the physical presence of friends, family members, and coworkers. We need you.


Multiple Authors

Multiple Authors

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