Day 1 of 16: Oneness
“See how good, how pleasant it is for God’s people to live together as one!”
Psalm 133:1 (TIB)
We come to human form in togetherness. No one is born spontaneously out of nothing, and no one is meant to live in isolation. We are meant to live and strive with others. We feel our very best when we are in harmony with those around us: family, friends, neighbors, our communities, cities, state, and country.
Living together as one does not mean that we are all meant to think alike, speak the same language, or look the same. It means that we can remember we are all created from the One Source; therefore, we are part of each other. Honoring the seeming differences that make us separate as people, as well as always treating each other with love allows us to live together as one.
Lesson 169 of A Course in Miracles says, “Oneness is simply the idea God is. And in [God’s] Being, [God] encompasses all things.” If oneness is the idea that God is, and we are created by this idea, and ideas don’t leave their source... then we understand why we are meant to live in harmony with each other, as it is our natural state.
Today, I rejoice knowing I am one with God and one with all peoples.
Rev. Margarita Rodriguez