Day 1 of 10: The Sun
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
-John 8:12 (NRSV)
In astrology, the sun is not so much considered a planet but a luminary, like the moon. The sun creates light, and the moon reflects light. The center of our solar system, the point around which everything revolves, and the source of life itself — the sun — makes all this possible. In some ways, it is the most difficult celestial object to explain in astrology, because it is pure essence, pre-verbal. It is what fuels and powers life itself and the ability to then categorize, explicate, and define everything else.
In John 8:12, when Jesus says “I am the light of the world,” he uses the Greek ego eimi, meaning “I am myself” or “I am that I am.” This is a reference to God speaking from the burning bush to Moses. When God shows up in the burning bush, the fire ignites but does not consume it. We see this ignition without energy consumption in the sun: nuclear fusion!
In astrology, we look to the sun sign to see where this type of nuclear fusion shows up in the life of the native. We come to understand our sun sign, or what is commonly referred to as “our sign,” as the type of energy that we embody effortlessly. The type of energy that ignites us but does not consume us. The ego eimi. Someone with the sun in Cancer is essentially nurturing—caring for others ignites but does not consume them. Someone with the sun in Gemini is essentially curious—exploring, chatting, and dabbling ignites but does not consume them.
What Christlike energies, then, ignite but do not consume you? What spiritual essences light up your life and save you from obscurity? It can be so easy to perform ministry and faith in ways that actually zap and deplete us. But maybe today we can consider those expressions of Christ that light us up, energize us, and give life to the world around us.